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The name originates from trips to Greece with my parents in the summer.

During siesta time, as young kids, we couldn’t sleep, so our Grandfather would take all three of us to the playground. We would play on the see-saw, swings etc. and then he would read us a fairy-tale (The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, The Ugly Duckling etc…), then on the walk back home, we would stop at the souvlaki van for a pork souvlaki with bread as a treat.

This childhood memory stayed with me and my brothers well into our teens and adulthood, where we would invite friends over for BBQs, though instead of the traditional Australian meat BBQ, we would cook Souvlakia, allowing us to combine the great Australian past time of BBQ with our Greek souvlaki.


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"Charcoal is an ingredient!"

The 3 Little Pigs cooks on an open charcoal grill, just like back at home in Greece.

Freshly prepared ingredients

Juicy Tomato

Crispy red onion

Tzatziki with a chilli kick

and classic creamy greek yogurt Tzatziki

Mangalitza Pork

Free Range Chicken Breast

Barrel aged Feta

Rhodes handmade Pita

Super Greek Salad

All prepared with love.

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